Seeking the Political Holy Grail
Two issues dominated the international political agenda during the last months: The migration flow and its influence on the Schengen zone as well as the terrorist threats we are facing all over Europe these days. No ideal and hundred percent effective solutions! Looking back to the recent European Council decisions …

We Need More Soldiers
Abstract – CS union representatives express the urgent need for more colleagues in the Danish defence, not only in the army, but also in the navy and the air force. A critical look taken by CS reveals that the numbers confirm the warning. The original text is available hereunder and …

2016 – Still Young but Already Promising
Although we are still at the beginning of 2016, it looks already promising. Important steps towards the creation of united European armed forces At European level, the Dutch Presidency of the Council of the European Union for the first semester 2016 had a promising start. After only one month, on …
EUROMIL & EuroCOP HDIM 2015 side event
The Right of Association within the Security Sector In the framework of the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM), EUROMIL, together with EuroCOP, will organise a side event on the “Right of Association within the Security Sector” on 23 September 2015 in Warsaw. “The Human Dimension Implementation Meeting (HDIM), Europe’s …

A Soldier is not a Police Officer
Based on an economicist idea, and that of international criminal activity, drug traffic and terrorism deserve a more energetic, qualified and efficient combat. Defence has been advanced to entrust the internal security to the armed forces. In the first place, it should be assured that the armed forces in Portugal …