68th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly – Madrid
From 18 to 21 November 2022 the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) gathered for its 68th Annual Session in Madrid, Spain. In June 2022, Madrid hosted NATO’s transformative Summit and adopted, among others, the Strategic Concept. Just some months later, the Cortes Generales hosted the NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s Annual Session …
EUROMIL holds its 126th General Assembly Meeting in Germany
On 20-21 October 2022, EUROMIL held its 126th General Assembly meeting in Berlin (Germany), hosted by our member association DBwV. EUROMIL President, Mr Emmanuel Jacob opened the conference by welcoming members and underlining EUROMIL’s 50 years anniversary, which was officially celebrated at the 13th of September in Bergisch Gladbach (Germany). …
ICOAF14 meeting in Oslo
The 14th International Conference of Ombuds Institutions for the Armed Forces (14ICOAF) was held in Oslo (Norway) on 3-4 October 2022. The meeting was co-hosted by the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) and the Parliamentary Ombud’s Committee for the Norwegian Armed Forces. This year’s 14ICOAF explored the role …
ILO – Technical meeting on the protection of whistle-blowers in the public service sector
Mr Emmanuel Jacob, EUROMIL’s President, took part in a week-long technical meeting hosted by the International Labour Organisation (ILO). The meeting, which was held in Geneva from 26 to 30 September 2022, concerned the protection of whistle-blowers in the public service sector and had a positive conclusion. The focus …
Defending Essential Workers’ Trade Union Rights: Final Conference
On Thursday 22 September 2022, EUROMIL, EPSU and EuroCOP held the final conference as part of the project on Strengthening and Defending Trade Union Rights in the Public Sector in Skopje, North Macedonia. The conference was the final event of a two-year, European Commission-funded project that has been investigating the …
The President of EUROMIL meets the Minister of Defence of North Macedonia
The Minister of Defence of North Macedonia, Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska met with the President of EUROMIL, Mr Emmanuel Jacob, where they discussed a key issue in defence – the improvement of the standard and working conditions of the members of the Armed Forces. The Minister of Defence Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska …
13 September 1972-2022: EUROMIL celebrates its 50 year anniversary
On 13 September 1972, EUROMIL was founded in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany, by professional military associations from Belgium, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands and the Federal Republic of Germany. 50 years later, current and former members of EUROMIL gathered in Bergisch Gladbach to celebrate the 50 years anniversary. Almost 100 people participated …
50 years of EUROMIL – Interview with the President Emmanuel Jacob and Vice-President Jörg Greiffendorf
These articles are part of EUROMIL’s fiftieth anniversary commemorations. The original article was written by DBwV in German. You can read it here. “We also need a turning point at European level” “In 1972 the day had come: all the soldiers of Europe should speak with one voice. EUROMIL is established. …
My memories of EUROMIL
These articles are part of EUROMIL’s fiftieth anniversary commemorations. The original article was written by Bernhard Gertz in German. You can read it here. The honorary chairman of the DBwV, Col (Ret) Bernhard Gertz, was vice-President for 18 years and also the acting President of EUROMIL for a few months. Today, …
Defending Essential Workers’ Trade Union Rights: Report Submitted to Council of Europe
On Friday, 1 July the European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU), the European Confederation of Police (EuroCOP) and the European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions (EUROMIL) submitted a report on violations of trade union rights to the Council of Europe’s European Committee of Social Rights (ECSR). Together …