Euromil News

Social Dialogue in the Armed Forces of Montenegro

EUROMIL was informed on several occasions in the past year by its Montenegrin member association SOVCG about different problems regarding social dialogue and a worsened relationship between the Minister of Defence and SOVCG. On 17 January 2018, EUROMIL’s President Emmanuel Jacob met with the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Defence, …

Members news

MARÍA DOLORES DE COSPEDAL Defends To Equalize Salary of the Military with the Police Officer

Abstract – The Minister of Defence in her speech on Easter Day forgot to delve into another topic of great importance: the aspirations of a whole scale for its full professionalisation. The original article can be found below. For more information, please contact ATME. La ministra de Defensa, María Dolores de Cospedal …

Members news

ATME Wishlist for 2018

Abstract –  The end of temporality, the re-employment, compensation update and official qualifications/certifications, are the essential performance of face ATME program points to the new year. The original article is available here. For more information, please contact ATME.

Members news

DBwV Visit at the German Embassy in Riga

Abstract – On the occasion of the 116th EUROMIL Presidium Meeting the DBwV-Delegation visited the German Embassy in Latvia. The current security and defense situation in Europe as well as the military cooperation within the EU were discussed. It was an interesting visit and give the DBwV-Delegation a lot of input …

Members news

DBwV Participation at BSC

Abstract – The DBwV participated in the BSC Berlin Security Conference 2018. The topic was the security and defense of Europe in the current situation. There were wide discussions, what the Bundeswehr and the other European armies can and shall do, but the approximately 1.5 million soldiers, their concerns and …

Euromil News

The Eagle Took Off

Ten years ago, on 13 December 2007, the Heads of State or Government of the Member States of the European Union signed the Lisbon Treaty. They agreed amongst others “on the progressive framing of a common defence policy that might lead to common defence”. It needed however several years before …

Members news

European Cooperation: Meeting between DBwV and AFMP

Abstract – Representatives of the DBwV and AFMP met in Lohheide, where the German-Dutch Tank Battalion 414 is stationed, to explore forms of cooperation. The meeting aimed at introducing the representatives of the Dutch military association to their local DBwV counterparts. Participants discussed how further cooperation between the German and Dutch …

Members news

2017 Congress at SAMO, the Swedish Association for Military Officers

Every three years, the Swedish Association for Military Officers, SAMO, invites their members to a congress where a new board of direction is elected and an action plan, the course of action, is determined for the upcoming three years. During the meeting, delegates from all the military units in Sweden …

Members news

Family and Work: Major Challenge in the Spanish Armed Forces

Family conciliation, one of the most serious problems faced by the troop and seamanship scale The case of a soldier who has managed to get a judge to recognize her right not to have guards to take care of her daughter has set a precedent for which we must fight. …

Euromil News

Priorities of the Bulgarian EU Council Presidency

Bulgaria will take over the Presidency of the EU Council from Estonia on 1 January 2018 until the end of June 2018. The Presidency rotates every 6 months, and will be held by Austria in the second half of 2018. Bulgaria, which has joined the EU in 2007, will hold …