EUROMIL holds its 128th General Assembly Meeting in Spain
On 26-27 October 2023, EUROMIL held its 128th General Assembly meeting in Spain (Madrid), hosted by our member association AUME. EUROMIL President, Emmanuel Jacob opened the conference by welcoming members while also thanked AUME for the cooperation in organizing the General Assembly meeting in Madrid. On 26 October, a panel …

MILEX-23: a First Step towards Greater European Defence
The first live exercise (LIVEX) of the Rapid Deployment Capacity (RDC) took place 16-22 October 2023, in Spain. Nine counties (Austria, Spain, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Romania) contributed with 2.800 military personnel, equipment, and strategic enablers. This exercise represents a historical moment of paramount importance with the aim …

69th Annual Session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, Copenhagen
From 6 to 9 October 2023, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) gathered for its 69th Annual Session in Copenhagen. EUROMIL’s President, Emmanuel Jacob, participated at the Assembly. All 274 parliament members representing 31 NATO member states, along with approximately 100 members from around 25 partner countries and parliamentary bodies …

Dutch Trade Unions and Others Join Forces in Action for Better Policy on Local Staff Missions
By Anne-Marie Snels, former AFMP Chairwomen Everyone remembers the dramatic images of August 2021, when the Taliban took over Afghanistan in record time and thousands of people tried to flee the country in agony via Kabul airport. Despite numerous warnings, the Dutch government took measures far too late, leaving many …

The ‘Silent Leges Inter Arma?’ Conference VI
From 19 to 22 September 2013, the Belgian Group of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War (ISMLLW) organised the sixth ‘Silent leges inter arma?’ conference. This international conference brought together practitioners and academics active in the field of law, security and defence from a wide …

Members of Greek rescue team killed in Libya
Press release from PFEARFU: “A day of sadness and mourning for Greece and our Armed Forces, because of the accident that happened in Libya which resulted in the death of five of our colleagues in the humanitarian mission, as well as many wounded. They fell at the altar of duty. …

AP: The 3rd amendment to the Statute of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces (EMFAR)
The AP got involved in the process of amending the e Statute of Military Personnel of the Armed Forces (EMFAR) , through several meetings at EMGFA and with the former Secretary of State for National Defence. AP considers that the changes introduced in Decree-Law 77/2023 of 4 of September, are …

AFMP and MARVER: Challenges in Accessing Information Under GDPR for special groups of Defence Employees
GDPR friend or foe? Challenges exist in accessing and processing information under the GDPR (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation)) for Dutch MOD personnel and union members. In the Netherlands the GDPR is known as the AVG (Dutch: Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming). The Dutch Government handles (y)our personal data with …

CS: A day of memories
September the Fifth, is the day when Denmark remembers the many Danes who have been deployed in international service since 1948. It is the day when we pay tribute to the many employees from the military, police, and the Emergency management agency, who have made efforts in the world’s conflict …

CS: There is still room for improvement in the way PTSD cases are treated
CS Chairman Jesper Korsgaard Hansen: There is still room for improvement in the way PTSD cases are treated For many years, Denmark has sent soldiers on international missions. Not all made it home alive, and not all of those who came home escaped physical or psychological harm from their deployment. …