A call to action: Unwavering support for Ukraine in the face of brutal Russian aggression

3 June 2024

Several members of EUROMIL, have received a heart-wrenching message from our contacts and friends in Ukraine. This plea, rooted in the harsh realities of the ongoing war, calls for global attention and support to stop the brutal invasion and behavior perpetrated by Russia. We must amplify these voices and remind the world of the dire situation faced by Ukrainians.

This is what happens if Russia comes to your home, and you try to protect it,” reads the message. The author, Halyna Kavun, appeals to colleagues and friends abroad, expressing regret for having to mention them but emphasizing the necessity of doing so. They are alarmed by the diminishing coverage of the war in the foreign press, highlighting comments from readers questioning if the war is still ongoing. “It terrifies me because the war is gaining momentum, but our voices are heard less and less.”

Recently, 75 Ukrainians were released from Russian captivity. Many of them endured two years in Russian torture camps, losing their physical and mental health due to torture, beatings, and starvation. Russian captivity is synonymous with torture, rape, cold, and hunger. Both military and civilian Ukrainians remain in captivity. Among the released is Maryana Chechelyuk, a police officer from Mariupol. She endured two years of torture, starvation, and illness in conditions of complete information isolation. The Russians exacted revenge on this young woman for not defecting to the occupying authorities and betraying Ukraine. Her story is emblematic of the horrors faced by many others, but it carries a significant detail.

On 1 May 2022, the first evacuation of civilians from Azovstal began, during which Maryana and her sister Alina also attempted to leave. The father of the two girls told that the UN and the Red Cross assured their family to escort the girls to territory controlled by Ukrainian authorities. Instead, they were taken to the village of Bezymenne, occupied by the Russian army, for “filtering” by Russian military personnel. The occupiers left the younger 15-year-old girl in Bezymenne while Maryana was sent to a pre-trial detention center in the occupied Ukrainian city of Donetsk. Fortunately, their parents managed to rescue the younger daughter and leave Mariupol. Despite the promises and assurances of the UN and the international community, Maryana was captured.

The two published photos show the transformation Maryana underwent after her ordeal in the Russian concentration camp. These photos of Maryana are from her social media (before captivity) and a screenshot from The Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.

The other two photos attached to this article depict the conditions of another Ukrainian person recently released from captivity. These pictures were published by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and speak for themselves!

We implore you to talk about these atrocities everywhere” Halyna wrote in her touching message. “The world must not turn a blind eye to the suffering in Ukraine. Our collective voice and unwavering support are crucial in stopping this brutal invasion and ensuring that justice and peace prevail” she emphasized.

To Western citizens, civil society, parliaments, and governments: o not close your eyes and forget! Accepting this brutality means accepting the erosion of our own freedoms and democracy. If we allow this aggression to continue unchecked, it will not stop at Ukraine. The next step will strike at the heart of Europe and its democratic values. We must act now, with resolve and unity, to defend our shared principles and the future of our continent.

In solidarity and with a resolute commitment to justice, we stand with Ukraine. Let us make sure the world listens and acts.

Слава Україні! Slava Ukraini!


Emmanuel Jacob, President EUROMIL

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