Europe Day and European Elections 2024

EUROMIL Members Video statements Part 1 and Part 2

Minimum Standards/ Benchmarking for European Soldiers

The 129th EUROMIL General Assembly in Lisbon (Portugal) adopted the "Minimum Standards/ Benchmarking for European Soldiers" Position Paper. To download the document click here.

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EUROMIL holds its 129th General Assembly meeting

EUROMIL holds its 129th General Assembly meeting

On 26 April, EUROMIL held its 129th General Assembly meeting in Lisbon (Portugal) hosted by our members associations ANS, AOFA and AP. EUROMIL President, Mr Emmanuel Jacob opened the conference by welcoming the members and underlining the importance of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, a significant event in Portugal’s history, and acknowledging the crucial role played by military …

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EUROMIL Declaration on Ukraine

EUROMIL Declaration on Ukraine

During the 129th EUROMIL General Assembly held in Lisbon (Portugal), in the presence of the Ukrainian Union of Military and Security (UUMS) delegation, the Assembly discussed and endorsed a Declaration on Ukraine. The Declaration echoes the objectives of the ETUC Ukraine Summit Declaration from Lublin (Poland) of 23 April 2024. The Declaration states EUROMIL's support for Ukraine, reaffirming its commitment …

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75 years of NATO: time to reflect!

75 years of NATO: time to reflect!

On 4 April 1949 twelve countries (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed in Washington D.C. the North Atlantic Treaty. As the representative umbrella organisation of European military personnel, EUROMIL extends its best congratulations on this historic occasion, reaching the remarkable milestone of 75 years of unwavering commitment …

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Event: How will the European Elections Influence the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)

Event: How will the European Elections Influence the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)

EUROMIL in cooperation with together.eu organised on the 20th of March a two panel event discussions to address and analyse how the current geopolitical environment has affected European defence, as well as the fact that the European elections come at a pivotal moment for the future of CSDP. At the beginning of the event, Olivia Serra (Officer responsible for Communication …

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Reflecting on the EU Strategic Compass: a two-year assessment!

Reflecting on the EU Strategic Compass: a two-year assessment!

As the European Union's Strategic Compass approaches its second anniversary, it is time to reflect on its impact and assess where Europe stands in terms of its strategic goals and aspirations. The Strategic Compass, adopted in March 2022, one month after the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, was a landmark document designed to provide the EU with a …

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EUROMIL Activities

Security & Defence

News from our Ukrainian colleagues (UUMS)

News from our Ukrainian colleagues (UUMS)

The Ukrainian Union of Military and Security (UUMS) started publishing a series of information on the current situation in Ukraine. First Edition (1 February 2024) Second Edition (9 February 2024) Third Edition (16 February 2024) Fourth Edition (08 March 2024) Fifth Edition (25 March 2024)

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Two years since the beginning of the war in Ukraine: a decade long war that has been fought for centuries

Two years since the beginning of the war in Ukraine: a decade long war that has been fought for centuries

Cover Photo: Moschun village in Kyiv region was almost destroyed by Russian troops. But life still wins. On 24 February 2022 Russia initiated its full-scaled invasion against Ukraine. It has already been two years since Russia’s unjustified aggression which objects Ukraine’s territorial integrity, jeopardizes the life of the Ukrainian population, while challenging the global world order heavily affects the European …

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The future European Commissioner for Defence: a missed opportunity or a success story?

The future European Commissioner for Defence: a missed opportunity or a success story?

By Emmanuel Jacob, President of EUROMIL “The next European Commission should include a dedicated defence portfolio”, Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said on Saturday 17 February 2024 speaking at the Munich Security Conference. The idea seems to be growing among European stakeholders. Besides, von der Leyen’s political group, the EPP, stipulates in their draft manifesto for the upcoming elections, that …

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EUROMIL Welcomes the adoption of CSDP annual report

EUROMIL Welcomes the adoption of CSDP annual report

On Wednesday 28 February the plenary session of the European Parliament adopted the annual Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) report. EUROMIL welcomes the adoption of such an important report with the aim of strengthening European defence. Undoubtedly, today’s geopolitical environment requires the EU to boost its defence capabilities and become a stronger and more capable partner, interoperable and in …

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Munich Security Conference 2024: Build Peace Through Dialogue

Munich Security Conference 2024: Build Peace Through Dialogue

Cover Photo: Emmanuel Jacob, President of EUROMIL and Benedikt Franke Vice-Chairman, Chief Executive Officer of MSC The Munich Security Conference (MSC 2024) organised its 60th edition from 16 to 18 February 2024 against the backdrop of unprecedented global challenges, marking a critical juncture in international affairs. As world leaders, policymakers, and experts gathered in Munich, the conference served as a …

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EUROMIL Activities

Social Affairs

Wednesday Q&A Gender Equality in Defence

EUROMIL Wednesday Q&A series How to achieve gender equality in the Armed Forces? Q&A with Maria Chatziioannou, Master Sargeant, Legal Corps at the Greek Ministry of Defence, Navy General Staff/ Recruitment Directorate, 06 March 2024 Q&A with Andrea Huber, Head of Human Rights Department at the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), 13 March 2024 Q&A with …

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EUROMIL meets with AUME and AUGC in Madrid

EUROMIL meets with AUME and AUGC in Madrid

On 7 February, a meeting between representatives of EUROMIL, AUME (Asociación Unificada de Militares Españoles) and AUGC (Asociación Unificada de Guardias Civiles) took place in Madrid. The purpose of the meeting was to work on the collective complaint against Spain, submitted in December 2022 to the Council of Europe's Committee on Social Rights, for the violation of Articles 5 and …

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Reaction of EUROMIL on the situation in Serbia

Reaction of EUROMIL on the situation in Serbia

EUROMIL has been informed on the detention of some members, among them the President, of the Military Trade Union of Serbia (MTUS). The MTUS was admitted as an observer member of EUROMIL for a period of two years at the General Assembly in Rome on 28 April 2023. On Tuesday 27 Feb 2024, EUROMIL was informed by a journalist of …

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Member News 


Press Release CAOA Celebrates its 15th Anniversary

Press Release CAOA Celebrates its 15th Anniversary

The Cyprus Army Officers Association (CAOA) celebrated its 15th anniversary with a gala dinner on Tuesday, January 30, 2024. The event was attended by the President of the Republic of Cyprus, Mr. Nikos Christodoulidis, whose address stated that Officers are on the frontline of the National Guard and that CAOA’s proposals are included in the Government’s program. CAOA is expressing …

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News from Deutscher BundeswehrVerband (DBwV)

News from Deutscher BundeswehrVerband (DBwV)

News from our German Member DBwV                                                           (1) Parliamentary evening: Defence Minister Pistorius emphasises constructive and trusting cooperation with the DBwV The German Armed Forces Association once again hosted its annual Parliamentary Evening at the Berlin Museum of Communication. Federal Chairman Colonel André Wüstner was once again able to welcome Defence Minister Boris Pistorius to the high-calibre event. The evening proved …

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Pan-Hellenic Protest in Athens by Security and Armed Forces

Pan-Hellenic Protest in Athens by Security and Armed Forces

In an atmosphere of deep mourning, but also of anger and indignation for the unexpected death of the 29-year-old bicyclist of the DIAS Team (Police), in Aspropyrgos, was held yesterday, in Athens, the pan-Hellenic protest rally that was originally planned, for the cowardly murderous attack against the platoon of YAT and the serious injury of the 31-year-old colleague in Rentis, …

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News from CS

News from CS

Denmark plans to invest further in the military and conscript women for military service The Danish Prime Minister, Defense Minister and Foreign Minister has recently presented the Danish governments plans for further military investments. Among further investments in the military, including building up a heavy brigade with up to 6ooo soldiers and more equipment and material, the government is proposing …

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News from CS

News from CS

The Danish government, together with most of the parties in the Danish Parliament, has made an agreement for the Defense for the next nine years. The agreement covers up to 2033 but is divided into small chunks, called partial agreements, for the entire period. On Tuesday, the politicians came to an agreement on partial settlement 2, where almost DKK 90 …

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National Congress ITAMIL

National Congress ITAMIL

On 23 March 2024, the Italian military “association with trade union character” organised its 3rd Congress in Palermo (Italy). The Congress came at the same moment as the official announcement that ITAMIL has been recognised under the new law as a representative organisation representing the Army, counting almost 4% of members. “I’m happy to learn that meanwhile, ITAMIL has not …

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Upcoming Events

EUROMIL aisbl (European Organisation of Military Associations and Trade Unions)

Boulevard du Jardin Botanique 20

1000 Brussels - BELGIUM

Tel : +32 480 660933 - Fax : +32 2 626 06 89 - Email : euromil@euromil.org
N° Ent.: 0538.809.759