HKKF to the New Danish Minister for Defence: We are Ready to Cooperate to Achieve the Grand Visions
On 27 June 2019, Trine Bramsen took office as Denmark’s new Minister for Defence, and on 17 August 2019, she presented her visions for the Danish Defence in a feature article. In the article, she states that she wants to focus on the employees of the Danish Defence, implementation of …

European Commission on CSDP Missions and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
In the aftermath of the event “Increasing European Collaboration in PTSD Research” organised by EUROMIL in March 2018 in the European Parliament, MEP Clare Moody (S&D, UK) addressed a written question to the European Commission. She inquired about a possible duty of care the European institutions have towards military personnel …

Increasing European Collaboration in PTSD Research
On 6 March 2018, EUROMIL organised a debate on “Increasing European Collaboration in PTSD Research” in the European Parliament with the kind support of the Members of the European Parliament (MEP) Ivo Belet and Clare Moody. Opening the debate, Clare Moody (MEP, UK, S&D) emphasized that governments have a duty …
Increasing European Collaboration in PTSD Research
The event is organised with the kind support of the Members of the European Parliament Ivo Belet and Clare Moody. While all European states send their militaries on military missions, the efforts to harmonize the pre-, during and after deployment care remain quite limited. Especially with regards to medical care, …