2nd Conference on Pension Systems for security personnel in the Visegrad Countries
On 11 October 1018, EUROMIL organised the second on Pension Systems for security personnel in the Visegrad Countries in Budapest, Hungary. The conference was designed as a follow-up on the first conference which took place in September 2017. Participants in 2017 agreed that further work on the issue is needed. …

Conference on Pension Systems for Security Personnel in the Visegrad Countries
On 19 September, EUROMIL organised a conference on pension systems for security personnel in the Visegrad countries in Budapest, Hungary, which was co-funded by the Visegrad Fund. Due to the financial and economic crisis, state budgets are cut down, demographic changes lead to a situation in which the number of …

Strategic Plan And Reform Of Pension System: Totally Incompatible
The Belgian government adopted a strategic vision for its armed forces last summer. This document lays down the missions, force structure and capital investments for the period until 2030. A few months after the publication of this plan, the government decided to dramatically increase the retirement age of the military …