5 June: World Environment Day

The 5th of June, as the World Environment Day provides a great opportunity to reflect the effects that climate change has on the defence sector and how the Armed Forces are affected by it, but also how their activities impact the environment. EUROMIL remains committed into advocating for the inclusion of sustainability in the military and supports the green transition. In our efforts to raise awareness on the topic, we have gathered experts from various fields to analyse the topic of climate change and defence and present their points of view in our Booklet edition. The Booklet contains the following articles:

  • Climate Change, Security and Green Defence – the strategic role of Armed Forces, by Prof. Dr Stefan Bayer (Professor of Economics Helmut-Schmidt-University, University of the German Armed Forces Hamburg)
  • Cutting military greenhouse gases emissions, by Linsey Cottrell ( Environmental Policy Officer, CEOBS)
  • Leading the Way: EDA’s Commitment to a Greener Future, by Dr Constantinos Hadjisavvas (EDA Project Officer Energy CF SEDSS and Symbiosis Project Manager)
  • Civil-Military Cooperation in Climate Related Emergencies, by Jessica Olcott Yllemo (Research Scientist (Climate), Strategy, Policy, Plans, and Programs, Center for Naval Analyses)
  • Climate Readiness: How well can military personnel deal with climate threats?, by Dimitra Koutouzi (Policy Officer, EUROMIL)

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