Euromil News

The Right to Strike: Like a Bull in a China Shop?

Let me start this article by summarizing in a few lines what EUROMIL is all about. EUROMIL is committed to the principle of “Citizen in Uniform” and particularly demands (1) equal rights and treatment of soldiers, (2) the right of servicemen and -women to form and join trade unions and …

Members news

DBwV Participation at BSC

Abstract – The DBwV participated in the BSC Berlin Security Conference 2018. The topic was the security and defense of Europe in the current situation. There were wide discussions, what the Bundeswehr and the other European armies can and shall do, but the approximately 1.5 million soldiers, their concerns and …

Members news

Assuming Political Responsibility – Also As Soldier

Abstract – The forthcoming German parliamentary elections are held in September 2017. As the election campaigns are taking up speed, the German Armed Forces Association looks at the guidelines applying for soldiers when getting involved in politics: According to the principles of “Innere Führung” (Internal Leadership), German soldiers are encouraged …