Reintegration of Spanish Soldiers in the Labour Market

Abstract – ATME, one of EUROMIL’s Spanish member associations, reached different agreements on the reintegration of Spanish soldiers – who left the armed forces at age 45 – into the civilian labour market.

  • In Melilla, ATME reached an agreement with the local government that could become an example for the whole country, namely to offer these soldiers specific training and support as well as reserve them a definite number of places in the labour market (10% of vacancies in the police forces and a percentage of places in general vacancies through employment offices). This agreement will affect specialised training, specific aids and reserves of quotas in labour programs. The original press release is available here.
  • Ciudadanos and PSOE are in favour of ATME Madrid to support the reservation of seats for troop militaries in the calls for access to the local police. This meeting comes after the decision of the Delegate for Safety, Health and Emergency of the City of Madrid not to reserve places despite being agreed in the agenda of 2014. The call will be appealed once it is published. The original press release is available here.
  • In Andalusia, the parliament unanimously agreed on a bill supported by ATME on improving the standardisation and training of soldiers. This means easy identification and recognition of the skills and equivalence with jobs in the public and private sectors for proper reintegration after serving in the armed forces. All parliamentary groups voted favourably on the measure. The original press release is available here.

For more information, please contact ATME.

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