Members news

PFEARFU Visit to Evros

Abstract – PFEARFU held an official visit to the region of Evros in order to honor our colleagues who deal with the immigration flows at the borders between our country and Turkey. Our delegation also held meetings with the military leadership and our President announced the board decision, to offer …

Members news

Salary of Military Personnel and Migration Crisis

Abstract – On Sunday, 2 December 2018, P.FE.AR.F.U. held its third official conference in Thessaloniki, on the topic “Salary of the military personnel and Migration Crisis”. The distinctive participants discussed the current situation in Greece and especially the important issues of pensions and salaries. Furthermore the participants analyzed the migration …

Euromil News

Seeking the Political Holy Grail

Two issues dominated the international political agenda during the last months: The migration flow and its influence on the Schengen zone as well as the terrorist threats we are facing all over Europe these days. No ideal and hundred percent effective solutions! Looking back to the recent European Council decisions …