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European Organisation of Military Association

NATO Parliamentary Assembly’s dual declarations: Supporting Ukraine and shaping NATO’s future

Spring Session NATO PA, Sofia (Bulgaria) 24-27 May 2024 In a timely move, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly (NATO PA) has adopted two significant declarations at its Plenary Sitting of the Spring Session 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria. The declarations 489 and 490 collectively emphasize unwavering support for Ukraine amidst Russian aggression …

Portuguese Military Associations want to be heard by the Minister of Defence on careers and wages

27 May 2024 On Saturday 25 May 2024, the Armed Forces’ Sergeants’, Officers’ and Enlisteds’ associations, unanimously approved a motion to hand over to the Minister of Defence, who they hope to hear from soon, about wages and careers. This position was conveyed to journalists at a press conference at …

News from CS

The Danish government, together with most of the parties in the Danish Parliament, has made an agreement for the Defense for the next nine years. The agreement covers up to 2033 but is divided into small chunks, called partial agreements, for the entire period. On Tuesday, the politicians came to …

EUROMIL holds its 129th General Assembly meeting

On 26 April, EUROMIL held its 129th General Assembly meeting in Lisbon (Portugal) hosted by our members associations ANS, AOFA and AP. EUROMIL President, Mr Emmanuel Jacob opened the conference by welcoming the members and underlining the importance of the 50th anniversary of the Carnation Revolution, a significant event in …

News from Deutscher BundeswehrVerband (DBwV)

News from our German Member DBwV                                                           (1) Parliamentary evening: Defence Minister Pistorius emphasises constructive and trusting cooperation with the DBwV The German Armed Forces Association once again hosted its annual Parliamentary Evening at the Berlin Museum of Communication. Federal Chairman Colonel André Wüstner was once again able to welcome Defence …

EUROMIL Declaration on Ukraine

During the 129th EUROMIL General Assembly held in Lisbon (Portugal), in the presence of the Ukrainian Union of Military and Security (UUMS) delegation, the Assembly discussed and endorsed a Declaration on Ukraine. The Declaration echoes the objectives of the ETUC Ukraine Summit Declaration from Lublin (Poland) of 23 April 2024. …

75 years of NATO: time to reflect!

On 4 April 1949 twelve countries (Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States) signed in Washington D.C. the North Atlantic Treaty. As the representative umbrella organisation of European military personnel, EUROMIL extends its best congratulations on this historic occasion, …

National Congress ITAMIL

On 23 March 2024, the Italian military “association with trade union character” organised its 3rd Congress in Palermo (Italy). The Congress came at the same moment as the official announcement that ITAMIL has been recognised under the new law as a representative organisation representing the Army, counting almost 4% of …

News from our Ukrainian colleagues (UUMS)

The Ukrainian Union of Military and Security (UUMS) started publishing a series of information on the current situation in Ukraine.

Event: How will the European Elections Influence the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP)

EUROMIL in cooperation with organised on the 20th of March a two panel event discussions to address and analyse how the current geopolitical environment has affected European defence, as well as the fact that the European elections come at a pivotal moment for the future of CSDP. At the …

Reflecting on the EU Strategic Compass: a two-year assessment!

As the European Union’s Strategic Compass approaches its second anniversary, it is time to reflect on its impact and assess where Europe stands in terms of its strategic goals and aspirations. The Strategic Compass, adopted in March 2022, one month after the start of the Russian aggression against Ukraine, was …

News from CS

Denmark plans to invest further in the military and conscript women for military service The Danish Prime Minister, Defense Minister and Foreign Minister has recently presented the Danish governments plans for further military investments. Among further investments in the military, including building up a heavy brigade with up to 6ooo …

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