News from Portugal
The Association of Junior Rates (AP), at the invitation of the President of the National Defence Commission, Deputy Pedro Pessanha, was present on December 3rd, at a hearing in the Assembly of the Republic, at the request of the Parliamentary Group of the Socialist Party Questions about recruitment, retention and attractiveness in the Armed Forces were addressed, namely in the Category of Soldiers. The delegation representing the Association of Junior Rates (AP), answered all the questions posed by the deputies of the Socialist Party, the Social Democratic Party and the Chega party. The hearing ended with a final statement, made by the Chairman of the Board, Paulo Amaral , which can be viewed, as well as the entire hearing here (in Portuguese).
The Association of Junior Rates has been developing during the year 2024, lectures in units of the Army and Air Force within the scope of military associations, with the aim of making known the importance of the Association in the defence of rights of the Military of their category. With the amendment to the Statute of the Military of the Armed Forces on the occasion of the creation of the Permanent Staff for Soldiers in the Army and the Air Force, the responsibility of the Association of Soldiers has increased, so that we have the obligation to convey to the Comrades who are starting their career in the Armed Forces, what Military Associations are and what it can help in the evolution of their careers.