European Security and Defence College

Hans-Bernhard Weisserth, Head of the ESDC, presented the work of the network college, which provides strategic training and education to civilian and military personnel from EU Member States, EU Institutions and partner countries on CSDP.
The ESDC promotes a European security culture by, for instance, organising “Military Erasmus” for the exchange of young officers, or by publishing handbooks on CSDP.
The presentation was followed by two statements, namely from Nathalie Griesbeck, MEP, and Emmanuel Jacob, President of EUROMIL. The meeting was chaired by Michael Gahler, MEP and President of the Kangaroo Group.
They all emphasised the importance of the ESDC and the necessity of having a European culture of security.
On behalf of EUROMIL, its President particularly highlighted the following:
“EUROMIL is convinced that an EU comprehensive approach on security and defence also includes a common culture and education. An institution such as the European Security and Defence College is therefore extremely important in the creation of a common security culture.” In this regard, he welcomed initiatives such as the Exchange of Military Young Officers also known as “Military Erasmus”.
“EUROMIL also strongly believes that a project such as SAFE, Synchronised Armed Forces Europe, would be a cornerstone of this European military culture” he added. President Jacob recalled the principles of the SAFE concept, conceived as an opt-in model aiming at integrating European security structures and leading to the synchronization of the European forces leadership, and called for a relaunch of efforts to implement this concept. Moreover, he underlined that another field in which the European Security and Defence College could play a role could be fundamental rights’ training. A manual for military trainers on fundamental rights
education should be developed. “EUROMIL believes that establishing common
standards, including human rights education, proves its relevance” he stated.