Members news

EUROMIL: Where communication and solidarity coincide to improve the rights of members of armed forces across Europe

Long before I became a Board member of EUROMIL I was a strong advocate for the organisation, as I believed that it had the capacity to inexorably and positively alter the rights and entitlements of members of armed forces across Europe. Now, while recognising certain limitations of the organisation mostly …

Members news

Tackling Recruitment and Retention in European Armed Forces: Exploring Military Personnel Resignations in Greece

High Resignations in the Greek Armed Forces: A Complex Challenge In Greece, the issue of high resignation rates in the armed forces has taken center stage, drawing attention to the underlying reasons and potential solutions. This phenomenon, reaching double-digit percentages, has raised concerns about its impact on the armed forces. …

Members news

RACO Survey of Voluntarily Retired Officers

RACO conducted a survey on the topic of voluntarily retired officers 2020-2022. During the past years the world has faced multiple threats and challenges as a global pandemic, emergency evacuations from Afghanistan and Sudan, the return of the war in Europe, however, the Defence Forces remain neglected. The Irish Commission …

Members news

Conference – Portugal and its Armed Forces: What is the Role of the Armed Forces in Portuguese Society?

Promoted by the Professional Military Associations (the ANS – National Sergeants’ Association, the AOFA – Armed Forces Officers’ Association and the AP – Enlisted Association), a conference was held on the theme “Portugal and its Armed Forces – What role does the Armed Forces play in Portuguese Society?“, at the …

Members news

Members News – Italian Session: ASSODIPRO as unifying force among Italian trade unions

Recently, the EUROMIL’s General Assembly took place in Rome, featuring a dedicated session focused on Italy. Numerous representatives and managers from trade unions authorized by the Ministry of Defense attended the event. A prevailing concern among all participants was the inadequacy of the law on representation No. 46/2022. While everyone …

Members news

Italian Military Unions meet the Minister of Defence

On Monday 8 May, the Minister of Defence met with the Military Professional Unions (APCSM). The meeting was attended by Secretary-General Massimiliano Zetti, assisted by the Assistant Secretary-General Roberto Di Stefano from Nuovo Sindacato Carabinieri (NSC). Secretary General Massimiliano Zetti reported that Minister Crosetto agreed on the need to move …

Members news

News from Germany

Königsbronn talks: “Now the window of opportunity is there for us to grab it”. Königsbronn talks are a well-known tradition for the German security sector and the education forum of the DBwV is one of the organisers. The discussions were driven by the war in the Ukraine but nevertheless important …

Members news

The Association of Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZV SR) has several options at different levels through which it can fulfil its missions

It is a long period, during which a strong mutual symbiosis has been created between our Association of Soldiers of the Slovak Republic (ZV SR) and EUROMIL. During this period, EUROMIL showed support to our association in all available forms. President of EUROMIL personally participated several times in important negotiations …

Members news

Work-life balance in the armed forces – A Nordic comparison

In recent years, interest in the different ways in which military employment affects individuals’ work-life balance has grown. Military personnel face unique challenges in balancing their military commitments and home-related responsibilities, and sometimes have to act in demanding and stressful situations with little or no advance notice. Finding an appropriate …

Members news

News from ACMP-CGPM, Belgium “Recruiting and Retaining issues in the Belgian Armed Forces”

On average, almost 15 percent of newly recruited service members forces are already leaving the Belgian armed forces within the year, either on their own request or because they are forced to leave for medical, physical, moral or professional reasons. In 2021 and 2022, the attrition rate even surpassed the …