AUGC’s historic achievement: The Spanish Congress of Deputies admits the reinstatement of the expelled civil guards.

On 11 July 2024 a historic milestone has been reached for the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC), and for the whole EUROMIL family: First Sergeant José Morata, founding member of AUGC, and the rest of the civil guards expelled from the Corps in the early nineties for their fight for the labour rights of civil guards, have been admitted for reinstatement in the Civil Guard Corps.

The Spanish Congress of Deputies has admitted the reinstatement of the expelled civil guards through the Organic Law on the Right of Defence. This law refers to the right of any person to invoke the activity of judicial bodies in defence of their legitimate interests. Effective judicial protection is a right not only recognised by the Spanish Constitution, but also framed within the Fundamental Rights of our legal system.

It is important to emphasise that the enjoyment of the fundamental right to obtain effective judicial protection for civil guards must be full and equal to the conditions enjoyed by other public servants and citizens as a whole.

The rehabilitation of the members of the Guardia Civil who were expelled for initiating the path in defence of the rights of the civil guards is one of the pending issues for which AUGC has been fighting for years. It is a democratic anomaly for which they continue to fight and work, for a deserved recognition and for the dignification of the conditions of their reinstatement. In this way, First Sergeant José Morata, as a founding member of our organisation, among other historic members, will recover the rights and freedoms that were taken away from them 30 years ago.



Read more on the AUGC homepage.


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